Friday, January 19, 2007

Dirty Dancing?

Dance is something people have experimented with since times immemorial. Tribal dances, war dances, dancing for victory, dancing for a birth, dancing in death, celebrating life…you name the occasion and some race, some group of people on the earth will have a dance to commemorate it. Dancing for me is man’s quest to finding oneness, an alignment with the universe. It starts with the rhythm, a beat, a reverberation at regular intervals and ends with a conscious effort to align body movement with it. Dance is spiritual, whatever kind of dance you talk about. It comes out of the urge to create a unity, with the resonance of the universe.

Dreams Of The Blind

Myriad thoughts
Unspoken softness
Reams and reams
Of wilderness

Strange warmth
Unfathomed depth
Giddy, mellow

Bursting anger
Red and green
Not unseen

Of the blind
To places
Un - been

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Tigers, anyone?

Just back from our yearly vacation.This time it was Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in UP....cold, bleak and least none showed up. But going to national parks and reserves is a great experience and the place is B-E-A-Utiful!!! pix a little later....took an elephant safari, got chased by a wild, loony elephant who as the handlers told us later, more after us than the girl elphant we were riding...close shave! Spotted several deers, a python (chilling out after a really large meal!), jungle cats, wild fowl and a Rhino..who seemed to be smirking at us.....more later